2N® SIP Speaker Auto Provisioning

We’re rolling out a new public address system at work and have opted to install it ourselves because the cost of outsourcing it would have blown our budget. The upside was this enabled us to go for a full IP based system with the savings and still be well under budget. The system we selected… Read More »

Install Unifi in Docker

Containerizing Unifi has the benefit of OS updates not impacting you. Gone are “oh shoot, I updated Java and now UniFi won’t start because it wants some other version” problems. When you want to upgrade to new version, type: You’ll likely want to clean up unused images. docker images to see. You’re likely going to remove images… Read More »

Romoving Old Proxmox Kernels

This is optional, but normally I first run # apt update && apt dist-upgrade and then reboot the server, so it’s running the latest updates/kernels. After updating and rebooting the server, verify all your VMs and Containers are running fine. Next, I run # uname -r, to find the “current” active running kernel, and make… Read More »

Delete Blank Pages from a PDF on Linux Command Line

OK, I was looking for a way to delete perceptually blank pages from PDF files in bulk. I found scripts that will remove truly blank pages, but that doesn’t help with pages that have been scanned because they can have just 1 pixel, and now they’re not blank. The script below, which runs on CentOS… Read More »